Friday, March 07, 2008

Knees are weird - call for submissions

Ian Aleksander Adams started a new project called Knees are weird and wants to have your submissions. I think it's a cool and funny project.

This is what he writes about it:

This is about knees. Well, it's about art about knees.

Why knees?

They are an under-represented body part. I'm extremely self conscious about my knees, and I don't know why. In specific, I posted an image of my knees to a self portrait community, and was asked to censor it, because it was somehow offensive. This amazed me, because my knees are awkward, but it never occurred to me that they might be offensive. There is something about knees, and hopefully, by putting this together, we can figure out a little more about them.

They are also intended as a launching point. They can directly remind us of things: distance from our head, the idea of hiding a body part, feeling ashamed or amazed/confused/bored by our own bodies. They could more abstractly inspire ideas of supporting, joining, bending.

Work about how knees are weird. Or not weird. Photographs of knees. Or not photographs. Animal knees. Metaphysical knees. Start with the idea and run with it. Just follow the submission guidelines, and if you are chosen, I'll probably need a version of your image at a size I can print.

If you want to submit words, even, go ahead, but keep to the submission requirements. Each piece must stand on it's own inside a 600x600 image area, so if you write a poem, or even make a font to express the words knees, remember to save it as a jpg or gif image. The font and organization of words is a matter of your artistic expression, not mine.

So, drop your trousers, take a photo of your knees, or of other knees or get inspired by knees or whatever and get your submission to Ian

The link to the project is here

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